Friday, December 23, 2011

LDS Temple in Indianapolis!

The Indianapolis Star newspaper had an article announcing the location of the Indianapolis temple. It will be located in Carmel, the suburb directly North of Indianapolis, at the SW corner of 116th Street & Spring Mill Rd.

That is four blocks West of Meridian Street. Meridian is the center street running through Indianapolis and Carmel, North and South. It's close to Clarian North Medical Center and some nice hotels.

Official church announcement.

An outline of the property. By using Google's distance-measuring tool (under Settings), and measuring the boundaries of the property, it looks to me like it's 44.5 acres. (Assuming the pond is included, and the boundaries squared off.) of Salt Lake carried an announcement.

Related web sites: (official web site), (official web site), (unofficial web site), (unofficial web site), (unofficial web site), (unofficial web site).

Saturday, April 25, 2009